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Two Boys Kissing

‘Two Boys Kissing’ is about two teenage boys, who try to beat the world record for the longest kiss. It is also about other couples in different points in their relationships. It is told by a narrator who seems to be watching over them.

The story is very interesting to read and engages the reader. It includes lots of detail and has an interesting story, however personally the beginning had too much of just the narrator speaking and not enough of the actual story. This does not have much effect on the quality of writing, because I read another book by David Levithan (the author) which has all of the detailed writing and an intriguing story that makes you want to read it all the way to the end, without the interruption of narrations.

Furthermore, the centre area of the story keeps the reader interested and adds tension and mystery, like when Craig's parents see him kissing and for the first time realise that he is gay or fully understand he is gay, to the story as well as presenting answers to other questions raised by the story. Examples of other good techniques David uses are things like speech to make the story move on without making the reader miss anything that could be useful to understand plots further in the story.

In the story, I particularly liked the characters Ryan and Avery because of their story about how they meet and what they do together. For example, they met at a disco and then on their first date they went on a boat ride which I really liked. Also, I like the book because it is based on a real event where two boys kissed to break the world record and the fact it has a reason or a lesson to be learned without interrupting the actual story.

In conclusion, it is an amazing story that is interesting all the way until the end. Also, it keeps you engaged and makes sure there is always something that is mysterious and makes you want to find out more. I would definitely recommend this book for children of the age range 12-16 years old and rate it 4.75 out of five and I would recommend this author in general.

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