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This heart-worming story shows you that you can live life to the limits without being perfect. Demi, a teenager has the shock of her life when she wakes up in hospital finding that her hearing had disappeared. Even though she found it hard, she overcome the obstacle and joined a college for the deaf and built her life back up to find new friends and new memories.

In only 265 pages, Chrissie Keighery tells an emotional and lovely story that describes the journey of a girl that is different and will never be fixed. The interesting tale is relevant to the brave people out there that have to live like this. The main character, Demi, is trying to fit in with her hearing friends from her old school and her deaf friends from her new school. Trying to fit in is hard but she has got better and better since she has found new friendships and relationships.

In this romantic and tragic novel, demi tells us what her life is like without knowing what her families voices are, I love this book because, it is telling the story of some people out there and it shows how completely different life is when being deaf. Worried that her dream job of being a lawyer, was not suitable for the deaf as her best friend (Stella) told the whole school that the deaf are cut off from the rest of the world. She did not know if it was possible to follow her life goal. But she sticks with her ambitions and her family encourage her to keep going.

I would give this book a 4/5, so read Whisper by Chrissie Keighery to find out how Demi gets on at her new school. And I would recommend this book to teenagers.

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